For challenging applications, Huntsman benzoxazine resins are an ideal alternative to conventional e...
For challenging applications, Huntsman benzoxazine resins are an ideal alternative to conventional e...
The use of liquid resin processes such as resin transfer molding (RTM) and vacuum assisted RTM (VART...
β 预浸料 新型 β 预浸料复合模具预浸料入围 2011 年 JEC 创新奖决赛。 加利福尼亚州亨廷顿比奇 – February 28, 2011 : 新型 β 预浸料复合模具预浸料入围...
The use of liquid resin processes such as resin transfer molding (RTM) and vacuum assisted RTM (VART...
汉高乐泰苯并恶嗪树脂 飞机制造工业始终充满着技术挑战,对用于为其制造复合材料的原料提出了广泛要求。专业的解决方案必须适合自动化生产,易于操作,且在全球各地都可获得,而包括维修在内的总...